
Who is this for

This particular package is most likely to be useful for people either developing algorithms for techniques for KEPs, or setting kep_solver for use within an organisation with specific requirements. A sample web interface is viewable at, and the code for said interface is at


This package is available via pip, and requires Python 3.9 at least. To install it, I recommend using a Python virtual environment (see virtualenvwrapper for an easy-to-use introduction) and then running pip install kep_solver

Reading and inspecting instances

File IO functionality is available in the kep_solver.fileio module module. The following code should read in any supported file format.

from kep_solver.fileio import read_file
instance = read_file("instance.json")

Instances can be analysed for a number of properties, as can the Donor and Recipient entities they contain. These are documented in kep_solver.entities module.

print(f"This instance has {len(instance.recipients())} recipients")

Analysing the compatibility graph

The underlying compatibility graph can be accessed by creating a Compatibility Graph object as follows. Specifics are documented in kep_solver.graph module.

graph = CompatibilityGraph(instance)
cycles = graph.findCycles(maxCycleLength)
chains = graph.findChains(maxChainLength)
print(f"There are {len(cycles)} cycles and {len(chains)} chains")